赵亮 教授/副院长
博 士 生 导 师:海洋科学专业/物理海洋学方向
硕 士 生 导 师:海洋科学专业/物理海洋学方向
1997.09-2002.07 中国海洋大学 环境科学 工学博士
1993.09-1997.07 青岛海洋大学 海洋学 理学学士
2013.01-今 天津科技大学教授
2016.03-2016.08 日本爱媛大学 访问学者
2004.07-2013.1 中国海洋大学 副教授、教授
2008.03-2009.03 日本爱媛大学 客座副教授
2002.07-2004.07 中科院大气物理研究所 博士后
1)Yang W.*, H. Wei, L. Zhao*. Near- and super-inertial internal wave responses and the associated energy transfer after the passage of tropical cyclone Fitow at a midlatitude shelf slope. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 2024
2)Li T. C., J. L. Feng, L. Zhao*, D. R. Wang, R. F. Fan. Geographical distribution of coral reefs and their responses to environmental factors in the South China Sea, Ecological Indicators, 2024, 158: 111485
3) Feng J., D. Li, Y. Li, L. Zhao*. Analysis of compound floods from storm surge and extreme precipitation in China, Journal of Hydrology, 2023, 130402
4)Shen J. W., L. Zhao*, H. Wei. Marine dimethyl sulfide emissions in the Yellow and East China seas: scenario variation during the 1980s−2090s and its drivers, Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres, 2023, 128(15): e2023JD038737
5)Feng J. L., D. L. Li, L. Zhao*. Changes in storm surges based on a bias-adjusted reconstruction dataset from 1900 to 2010. Journal of Hydrology, 2023, 617: 128759
6)Wang S., L. Zhao*, Y. H. Wang, H. Y. Zhang. Distribution characteristics of green tide and its impact on environment in the Yellow Sea. Marine Environmental Research, 2022, 181: 105756
7)Yang W.*, H. Wei, L. Zhao*. Energy transfer from PSI-generated M1 subharmonic waves to high-frequency internal waves. Geophysical Research Letters, 2022, 49, e2021GL095618
8)Shen J., L. Zhao*, H. Zhang, H. Wei, X. Guo. Controlling factors of annual cycle of dimethylsulfide in the Yellow and East China Seas. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2021, 169, 112517
9)Song G. S., L. Zhao, F. Chai, F. F. Liu, M. Li, H. Xie*. Summertime oxygen depletion and acidification in Bohai Sea, China. Frontiers in Marine Science, 2020
10)Yang W., H. Wei, L. Zhao*. Parametric subharmonic instability of the semidiurnal internal tides at the East China Sea shelf slope. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 2020, 50(4): 907-920
11)Feng J., D. Li, T. Wang, Q. liu, L. Deng, L. Zhao*. Acceleration of Extreme Sea Level Rise along the Chinese Coast. Earth and Space Science, 2019, 6(10): 1942-1956
12)Zhang J., X. Guo* and L. Zhao. Tracing external sources of nutrients in the East China Sea and evaluating their contributions to primary production. Progress in Oceanography, 2019, 176, 102122
13)Wang Y., X. Guo*, L. Zhao. Simulating the responses of a low-trophic ecosystem in the East China Sea to decadal changes in nutrient load from the Changjiang (Yangtze) River, Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 2018, 36(1): 48-61
14)Yang W, H. Wei and L. Zhao*. Observations of tidal straining within two different ocean environments in the East China Sea: stratification and near-bottom turbulence, Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 2017, 122, 8876-8893
15)Zhang H. Y., L. Zhao*, Y. Sun*, J. N. Wang and H. Wei. Contribution of sediment oxygen demand to hypoxia development off the Changjiang Estuary, Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 2017, 192: 149-157
16)Zhao L.*, Y. J. Xu and Y. Yuan. The estimation of a critical shear stress based on a bottom tripod observation in the southwest off Jeju Island, the East China Sea, Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 2016, 35(11):105-112
17)Fan R., H. Wei and L. Zhao*. Linking suspended particulate material characteristics to the plankton distribution in summer in the Yellow Sea and East China Sea, Journal of Coastal Research, 2016, 32(4): 829-839
18)李天驰, 王道儒, 赵亮*, 凡仁福. 基于Landsat-8遥感数据的西沙永乐环礁底质分类与变化分析. 自然资源遥感, 2023, 35(2):70-79
19)王圣, 赵亮*, 张海彦, 李菲. 黄海绿潮生消过程及其主导因素, 海洋与湖沼, 2022, 53(6): 1338-1348
20)李菲, 赵亮*, 沈家葳, 姚洁, 王圣. RCP4.5情景下黄海DMS浓度变化模拟与分析, 中国环境科学, 2022, 42(9): 4304-4314
21)赵紫涵, 宋贵生, 赵亮*。秦皇岛外海夏季溶解氧与pH的变化特征分析, 海洋学报, 2020, 42(10): 144-154
22)白雨,赵亮*,刘境舟. 生态因子在黄海绿潮生消过程中的作用, 海洋学报, 2019, 41(8): 97-105
23)沈家葳,赵亮*,王思佳,李亚贤. 黄、东海二甲基硫与环境因子关系的多元分析及建模, 中国环境科学, 2019, 39(6): 2614-2522
24)赵亮, 沈家葳, 蒋昊. 海洋二甲基硫循环模型研究综述, 中国海洋大学学报, 2018, 48(11): 1-10
25)王玉衡, 赵亮*, 沈家葳. 黑潮营养盐输入对东海陆架浮游生态系统影响的模型研究, 海洋与湖沼, 2017, 48(6): 1346-1354
26)郭伟,赵亮*,李秀梅. 黄海绿潮分布年际变化特征分析, 海洋学报, 2016, 38(12): 36-45
27)赵亮, 李夏, 张芳*. 黄海水温与沙海蜇生物量年际变化的相关分析,海洋与湖沼,2016, 47(3): 1-8
28)徐亚军, 赵亮*, 原野. 基于声学仪器与粒径分析仪研究东海浮游动物昼夜垂直迁移过程, 海洋学报, 2016, 38(8): 124-131